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How To Read More Books!

From a studying GCSE student

Generally, bookworms have a few things in common, and amongst them are two very important points: too many books and not enough time to read them, and too many books and not enough money to buy them! This post is about the first, (though I can make a blog post on the latter if you guys want me to!) and how we have a growing TBR pile (to be read) but not enough time to read them all as we are all caught up in life outside the book, whether that be school, uni or work. We have deadlines, homework, jobs, lessons… and we can use reading as a means of self-care to get away from those things. But for a bookworm that is still not enough! :)

However, these tips don’t just have to be for the bookworms out there! I am currently doing GCSEs at the moment and for English Lit, I am trying to find time to squeeze in my set texts to review. And not just English, I have piles of textbooks for all my subjects, as many of you can probably relate, that I keep trying to read in my spare time to cram the content in. Use these tips to help you learn subjects, they work for me!

So if you are cramming content, upping your book intake or just want to read more, keep scrolling…

Make reading part of your daily routine

Imagine how many more books you can get through if you didn’t have such an uneven routine! Consistency will up your count dramatically! If you really want to read more, then you have to make an effort! Make sure that no matter what you put aside time to read at a certain point in your day – most people go for the evening because it’s a great way to wind down away from a screen like your phone, but you could read in the mornings when you wake up, maybe in a break etc. Just find the time, even if you only read one chapter, it’s still one less chapter to read in the long run.

Have a book with you all the time.

Make the most of the commute. Bit bored? Take a book with you and have a little reading session on your way to work or school and take advantage of those extra 20mins, they will make all the difference.

Read more than 1 book at a time

Now to unexperienced readers, or those wanting to get into reading, this may seem rather daunting. How can you read more than 2 at a time? What about getting them confused? Don’t worry – it’s not as confusing as it may seem, start with 2 on the go from different genres so you are less likely to mix up the plot if you are unsure. Having 2 or more on the go means that if you hit a reading slump, or are not in the mood to read a certain book (avid bookworms will know what I mean) you can pick up a different one from your current reading pile.

Avoid books that you don’t enjoy – this does not apply to school books, as I am sure nobody really wants to pick up their maths textbook!

Yes. Another scary, controversial concept, especially if you were the one to buy the book with your own money. (Especially if you don’t exactly get much pocket money) But if you don’t like it after the first say 10 chapters, just PUT IT DOWN. Step awaaaaay from the book. If you are enjoying a book, you are 10 times more likely to pick it up and read more often. If you don’t like the book, trust me you will avoid reading it at all times. So just PUT IT DOWN.

Listen to audiobooks

Not all of us can carry their whole library in their pocket all of the time, but we all have our phones with us 110% of the time and if you download a book audiobook app you can have access to books on the go 110% of the time! You can listen to your whole library wherever, whenever! If you are slightly self-conscious about reading in public as well, who would know you are listening to books? They just see headphones!

Have a TBR pile

Instead of wasting time finding a book, or deciding which book/textbook to read, be ready for when your current book finishes with a pile of 10 or so books in order of priority. This idea also helps with prioritising revision with textbooks etc. and really upping your productivity levels.

Don’t read what you think is good for you

Now, this may seem a bit odd, why wouldn’t you read something you enjoy? But I think this happens to all of us without quite realising it. Your parents tell you to read this ‘wonderful literary classic’ that everyone should read once in their lifetimes that your parents you’re your English teacher can’t stop going on about? Now yes sometimes, they can be not half bad. But I had an episode with the ‘wonderful literary classic’ Wuthering Heights. And I just didn’t get on with it. It took me an awfully long time to finish, and I found it, truthfully an awful bore. And I just couldn’t finish it, as well as having no idea whatsoever what it was about. (I don’t mean to offend anyone who did enjoy it, it’s just personal preference) the point is, that it took me almost three times as long to finish as I would normally finish a book that size. So don’t follow society if you don’t want to!

Take a trip to the bookstore

Now fellow book worms need no encouragement to take a trip down the street to their local book store. But there is NOTHING BETTER than browsing the shelves and finding a lush new book to dig your teeth into. And there is nothing more motivational than buying that book and opening the fresh new pages! Making sure that your TBR is always shining with the spangle of brand new book covers, is the true motivation for ultimate reading potential.

Read smaller books

Now, this seems obvious but I thought I would mention it anyway. Fewer pages = fewer words = less time is taken to read book = more books in less time = Larger end of year book total.

Think about your free time.

Think about how many more books and textbooks you could make your way through if you cut out 1 of your 45min Netflix shows and replaced it instead with textbook revision! This doesn’t mean though that you should completely scrap relaxation and watching Netflix, as downtime is very important. But substituting a bit every day does build up quite rapidly.

Remember, hitting that target does take a time, effort and diligence, so stick with it and don’t give up!

I believe in you 😊

Comment down below any ideas I might have missed!



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